Facial Lymphatic Drainage is a therapy that's an alternative to alleviate problems like bloating, in addition to headaches, sinus congestion, which is a worsening of nasal congestion. The treatment also helps to relieve pain and stimulates the immune system by improving the flow of white blood cells, helps to reduce dark circles, eye bags, deflates the skin to promote drainage of fluids, improving the circulation.

Activating the blood circulation brings uncountable benefits such as improving the appearance of the skin and increasing the supply of oxygen, what enhances the appearance of the face with the reduction of the pockets and the smoothing of some superficial spots. Additionally, the movements help to reduce swelling as well as to promote the reduction of possible bruises in the post cosmetic surgery (as in blepharoplasty). The treatment is incredibly relaxing and decongests the region.
Facial Lymphatic Drainage imitates the action of lymphatic vessels and starts with the execution of light pressures in the face, only to move the skin, but without pressing it very profoundly, this serves to open small lymphatic vessels, allowing the fluid from the tissues to be transferred to the Lymphatic System.
The goal is to push the fluids that are inside the lymphatic vessels for the lymph nodes, then with the correct pressure and knowing precisely where the lymph nodes are is essential to get incredible results!

Contact Dermatitis
Skin Lesions
Inflammatory Acne
Heart problems
Kidney failure problem
Acute infections
Thyroid decompensation